Everything We Need
It’s often I forget God has provided everything I need to do the tasks at hand. I get lost in the details and overwhelmed with so much on my to do list, but when I stop for a moment and sit in the presence of God, then peace comes. And then I see what’s important, what resources I have available, and are able to accomplish much.
I have started a new Monday Morning Ritual (MMR), probably one of the hardest every attempted. Fasting from my normal daily routine, and just sit with God, reading his word, and praying. That may not seem to out of the box, but I have pushed away the distractions of morning news radio, emails, and even working through my daily calendar for an extended period of time. I’m trying to put the most important thing first, my relationship with God. And extend my Monday morning time with him before the mass rush of the week. Truly, Morning Quarters with Jesus. For those not exposed to this naval military event, it’s where everyone gathers together for a check in, get updates, and salutes the flag as it’s raised for the day.
Thanks for allowing me to share with you how God is working in and around me.