
Daily Uninterrupted Time with God

Daily Uninterrupted Time with God   Here are some suggestions for making the most of 15 minutes spent with God in the morning: Start with a prayer: Begin your time by quieting your heart and mind, and offering a simple prayer to God. Ask Him to speak to you through His Word and to open your heart to …

Armor Of God

Armor of God   Eph. 6 – Putting on The Armor of God.   “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 Such a great example that’s applicable to both …

Serving Those Who Serve

  Serving Those Who Serve On the front lines supporting Military Service Members, families, and Veterans.   Brigade Ministries is in the final stages of the development and is launching this Spring an online platform aimed at helping provide support for Christian military men and women, whether at home, abroad, or in the many transitions faced being in …

On the Battlefield with Jesus

  On The Battlefield With Jesus 2 Timothy 2:3  Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. I think about what it was like to suffer in wars past, such as WWI or WWII, to just gain a small amount of ground and overcome the enemy inch by inch.  Fast forward to today’s conflicts, take Afghanistan …

Uninterrupted Time

    Uninterrupted Daily Time with God Want to have a relationship with someone?  The one key success for growth of the relationship is time spent together.  Same applies with have a relationship with God.  The most important part of life is your relationship with the God who created you. I started Morning Quarters years ago as a …

Everything We Need

  Everything We Need It’s often I forget God has provided everything I need to do the tasks at hand. I get lost in the details and overwhelmed with so much on my to do list, but when I stop for a moment and sit in the presence of God, then peace comes. And then I see what’s …