Daily Uninterrupted Time with God
Here are some suggestions for making the most of 15 minutes spent with God in the morning:
- Start with a prayer: Begin your time by quieting your heart and mind, and offering a simple prayer to God. Ask Him to speak to you through His Word and to open your heart to receive His truth and guidance for the day.
- Read Scripture: Set aside a portion of the time to read a passage from the Bible. You could follow a reading plan or simply open the Bible and allow a particular passage to catch your attention.
- Meditate on the Word: After reading a passage, take a few moments to reflect on it. Ask yourself questions like, “What is God saying to me through this passage?” or “How can I apply this truth to my life today?”
- Write in a journal: Consider keeping a journal or notebook and jot down any thoughts, prayers, or insights that come to mind as you meditate on God’s Word.
- Pray: Spend time in prayer, expressing your gratitude, confessing any sins, and bringing your requests and concerns before God. You may also want to pray for specific people or situations in your life or in the world.
- Memorize Scripture: Choose a short verse or passage to commit to memory during your time with God. Memorizing Scripture can help you carry God’s Word with you throughout the day.
- Worship: If you enjoy singing or listening to worship music, you could incorporate a song or two into your time with God, allowing the lyrics to guide your heart in worship and praise.
- Be still: Set aside a few minutes to simply be still and silent before God. This can be a time to quiet your mind and listen for His still, small voice.
Remember, the most important thing is to approach this time with an open heart and a desire to connect with God. Don’t worry about following a strict routine or agenda; instead, allow the Holy Spirit to guide your time and lead you into a deeper relationship with your Heavenly Father.