The Truth Adventure – Basic Series Foundation (online version)











Day 1: The Military

Learning Objectives:

1. To gain a general understand for the reason why we have a military.

2. To understand the meaning of sin and how it affects the human race.

3. To understand the original creation and why it looks so different now.

4. To learn about some life consequences of choices we make.

Opening Question: 

What was your reason for joining the military or what most interest you about the military?


Why the Need for Military Forces?

Why do we even need a military?  I’m pretty sure it all started back when someone stole a goat from a neighboring ruler.  This gentleman became upset at this act and decided to seek revenge, which included killing all the neighbors and taking their land.  For the ruler to maintain the new property he unrightly obtained, he paid people to guard and protect that which he declared his.  As a defense against neighboring people, the ruler began putting up walls as a boundary and for protection. Over time, the walls were built wider and taller, and the number of guards needed grew, until finally a ruler had a small military force for protection.

In Genesis Chapter 11, the city of Ur is described, and in the mid 1920’s, the city was uncovered in an excavation led by Sir Leonard Woolley helping to validate the description given in Genesis.  This site was found with a fortified wall around it and dated back to approximately 2100 bc. Ur is the birthplace of Abraham (Genesis 11.27-32) who is known in the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish faiths as the common patriarch (or father).

In Genesis Chapter 12, there is mention of Egypt and its rulers.  There is other historical documentation of Egypt, and its military might. We can read from other historical records that the Assyrian and Babylonian empires had armies for protection and taking over more territory.

We find specific city protection played out also in ancient times in the story of Joshua and the battle over seizing the city Jericho.  This story can be found in Joshua Chapter 2. When spies were sent into the city on a reconnaissance party, they met a woman who helped hide them when they had been discovered.  We pick up their escape in Joshua 2:15, “Then she let them down by a rope through the window, for her house was built into the city wall, so that she lived in the wall.”

What is probably not the first recorded army taking over a city; however, it is one found early on in Israel’s history recorded in Joshua Chapter 6.  Although this wasn’t the typical battle that we read about in history, it is one that represents the power of God and what He can do when we follow his direction.

Fast forward about 3000 years.  In the US, the Second Continental Congress established the Army in 1775.  This military unit was formed to help protect the original 13 colonies.  The US Navy was founded also in 1775 but wasn’t officially established as its own branch of service until 1798. Both branches existed to serve the American people, help defend our nation from enemies outside and within, and to protect our national interests.


Do you think we need a national military or just a state-run police force?


But this still doesn’t answer the real “Why?” question. There is proof for defense against people and plenty of evidence for an offensive posture when taking cities under siege, but how did we get to the place of having to protect and kill others just for possessing land and material items?

This takes us back to the beginning of time, in the Garden of Eden, when the first man and woman lived.  The world originally created was perfect until one day, Adam and Eve disobeyed a direct command from God in search of a desire to know and be like him.  This would be the first documented “dereliction of duty.” We call this disobedience or disconnection, sin.  This began the unraveling of the world and gave us the world as we know it now.  It left absolute turmoil, destruction, and a need to fight for survival.  Full love and peace partially left the world, leaving behind a large missing piece of the original creation.

What are three characteristics of the perfect world that you picture in your mind?


Unfortunately, all hero stories must have an evil side.  The free choice to go against God a long time ago left the door open for evil to enter this world.  This is the bad side of the story.

We’ll step into the world of where sin originated tomorrow.